
If I may accompany you in your quest for a better and happier life, I am sure you would like to know a more about me

I am a psychologist specialised in social intervention. Although for many years I dedicated
myself to teaching, especially languages, psychology has always interested me and has been
with me for as long as I can remember. As a psychologist myself, I have been a user of
psychology throughout my life and will continue to be so. What I mean by this is that
consulting a professional psychologist, going, and doing therapy can solve problems, disorders,
or specific disorders, but there are also traumas and mental pain that are prolonged over time
and can last for many years. I see psychology as a life project. That is to say, we are in
continuous personal growth, we go through different stages and situations that sometimes or
many times surpass us, and we do not know how to transcend the event we are going through.
Faced with this, most often and unconsciously, we try to solve them with the same tactics we
use in other difficult and painful situations, and they don't seem to work.

We are emotional beings

As I said at the beginning, I am a psychologist specialised in social intervention. There is no
experience we go through that does not originate from a social context, from the mildest
situations to the most serious psychopathologies, without forgetting, of course, genetic
predisposition and epigenetics, which play a very important role in mental health. The socio-
cultural context in which we are nurtured and the different life scenarios through which we
pass shape our perceptions, sensations, thoughts, and beliefs that will make us project all our
experience and personal baggage on what we see and do. Others, life, work, school, family,
friends, etc. reflect what we have inside us. We are emotional beings. Everything we learn, our
experience, is based on internalised emotions and, from there, we can learn to balance
emotions and lead a healthier and more constructive mental life.

We are social beings

Psychology and social intervention range from personal group, family, school, work
intervention or therapy to individual or social problems such as poverty, economic scarcity,
social exclusion, immigration, gender violence, LGBTIQ+phobia, racism, sexism, machismo, and
everything we can imagine that people suffer from and that have a social background. Often,
the intersectionality that coexists within the same person and is rejected by society can lead to
disorders, sometimes very serious ones. For this reason, I believe it is essential to work on
people's social world to improve their quality of life and to understand the mental perception
we create of our world in order to make it conscious, accept it, integrate it and transcend it.

On a more personal level

My whole life has been full of situations in which psychology has been necessary for different
reasons and for the different stages I have gone through as a human being. Everything
described so far has a lot to do with my own personal experiences. Therefore, I believe that,
unconsciously, I always wanted to study psychology to first help myself and then to be able to
share the techniques and interventions I have learned with others. One must first help oneself,
understand one´s rational and irrational beliefs, one´s projections, one's ego, and especially to
become aware of the unconscious that is lodged in one´s mind. To attend to oneself as a
priority is not to be selfish or egocentric, it is imperative in order to be in optimal conditions to help others. How can we pretend to help or save others if the first ones who need help are ourselves?

Goal number one, start with yourself

I firmly believe that working on personal growth, understanding our mental patterns,
attending to our emotions, allowing ourselves to feel what hurts us and never repressing what
happens to us is an essential step. Unravelling our irrational/limiting beliefs and how our
unconscious works can help us to change our perceptions, our memories, our pain, and our
personal and material scarcity. Within social intervention, developing and promoting
emotional intelligence and personal skills is paramount. We can summarise everything
explained above that the main objective of the intervention is to learn to love ourselves, but to
learn to love ourselves it is necessary to accept ourselves, to be aware, to be responsible and
not to judge ourselves.

A member of the college of psychologists, number CV17434.

psicologo altea